Welcome to WCMQS Part II! If you didn't read part I so far, please do so for some more background information.
WCMQS is based on Spring Surf and not Aikau as few people thought.
What does it mean that it is based on Spring Surf?
Spring Surf needs for rendering a new page a page.xml and page.ftl a template.xml and template.ftl and a webscript(s).
When you install WCMQS the alfresco data dictionary is extended by a new content model names ws:webSiteModel
the model is designed to be as generic as possible
The model have new types :
Let's see what are these new types in details:
The ws:website type:
Is derived from the cm:folder type and represent a website.
This type has properties that apply to an entire website, such as host name, port and context of the web application that delivers the website.
If you read part I, you should understand yet where we modified these properties, in the Quick Start data in Alfresco Share. The folder at Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/Quick Start Editorial / Live is of this type. You can see the Host name. port and context in the folder's metadata.
Click "Edit Properties":
The ws:section type:
Is as well derived from the cm:folder type and represents a section of a website.
The website is modeled as a tree of sections.
A section defines an element in the website navigation and can contain child sections and web assets, such as the section's landing page, articles, collections of articles and images.
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root/blog folder is of this type.
The ws:webroot type:
Is derived from the ws:section type and represents the root of a website's tree of sections.
This type extends the section type so therefore a web a webroot folder *is* also a section.
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root folder is of this type.
Edit Properties:
The ws:webassetCollectionFolder type:
Is derived from the cm:folder type and is used to hold asset collections.
Each section folder has a webassetCollectionFolder below it named 'collections' in which all of that section's asset collections are placed.
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root/blog/collections folder is of this type.
The ws:webassetCollection type:
Is derived from the cm:folder type and represents an asset collection.
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root/blog/collections/latest.articles folder is of this type.
Edit Properties:
The ws:indexPage type:
is derived from the cm:content type and represents an index page of a section (also know as the section's landing page).
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root/blog/index.html asset is of this type.
More --> Edit Properties: --> all properties :
The ws:article type:
Is derived from the cm:content type and represents any piece of text-based content such as a news article or a blog post.
The article type defines few associations that allow an article to be linked with related articles and a couple of images.
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root/blog/blog1.html file is of this type.
More -->Edit properties --> All Properties:
The ws:image type:
Is derived from the cm:content type and is used for general image assets.
In the Web Quick Start data in Alfresco Share, in the Documents/Alfresco Quick Start/ Quick Start Editorial/root/publications/Alfresco-Office.jpg file is of this type.
The ws:visitorFeedback type:
Is derived from the dt:dataListItem type and represents feedback that has been submitted by visitors to a website.
The Intention is to be sufficiently generic to be useful for a number of different types of feedback including comments, reviews, ratings, and questions.
Each website has a Share data list created for it into which items of visitor feedback are placed.
When first Installed, Quick Start does not have any visitor feedback.
Submitting a comment to a blog post or a 'contact us' request from the website will create a node of this type in the repository
To add a datalist to your website you need to customize the site and drag and drop the datalist to current site pages.
After you clicked "OK" you should see a new option in the Menu called Data Lists,
If you use a blog or contact us
The ws:visitorFeedbackSummary type:
Is derived from the cmbject type and is used to record summary information about visitor feedback received for a given asset such as the number of comments received and the average rating was given.
The wsublishqueueenty type:
Is derived from the cmbject type and is used to record nodes that have been queued up for publishing.
In share there are two workflow.
The first enable the review and publish the structure of a section of the website. To publish particular section, initialize a workflow on that section's index.html. It will publish that section folder collection folder and as well subsections folders.
The second instead enables you to review and publish web content. Too publish the content you start the Review and Publish workflow.
The ws:webasset type:
Is derived from the cm:titled aspect and is used to mark any piece of content that is addressable through a website.
Among other things, a web asset (a node with the ws:webasset aspect) has two multi-valued NodeRef properties (wsarentSection and ws:ancestorSections) that contain the identifier(s) of the section(s) in which the asset is placed and its ancestor sections.
When an asset is created in, moved to, or removed from a section, these properties are updated to reflect the asset's new location.
This is done to make certain kinds of common queries very fast.
Order index:
To configure the order in which navigation looks display.
Lowest value of order index appeared to the right of the Home link and the remaining links are added in ascending numerical order.
NB : this is a mandatory aspect used on the folder called wsrdered
Exclude From Navigation :
It allows you to show or hide that section from the menu.
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