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File Server Errors

This section details the common problems that occur when setting up and using the SMB/CIFS and FTP file servers.

BindException: Permission denied

The SMB/CIFS server uses ports 137, 138 and 139, the FTP server defaults to using port 21. All of these ports are in the privileged socket range, so if you use these directly you will be required to run Tomcat or JBoss from a privileged account.

You can run SMB/CIFS on non privileged ports on unix provided you redirect privileged ports to the unprivileged ones.

Firstly ensure alfresco is using unprivilged ports:

  • Edit $ALFRESCO_HOME/tomcat/shared/classes/
  • and add


  • Ensure you add the following to your IP tables to redirect the standard ports to the ones above:

# Setup ip-tables to redirect standard SMB/CIFS ports to unprivileged ones
# This needs to be run by root. For security reasons ensure this script is writeable by root only
# Add this script in under /etc/init.d/ somewhere
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 137 -j REDIRECT --to-port 1137
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 138 -j REDIRECT --to-port 1138
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 139 -j REDIRECT --to-port 1139
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 445 -j REDIRECT --to-port 1445

  • and make sure these are applied each time you reboot your server.

The FTP server can be configured to use a non-privileged port (see File Server Subsystem) but the SMB/CIFS server requires the specific ports to be used.


BindException: Address already in use

This indicates that an existing SMB/CIFS or FTP server is already running on the system.

If you are running Alfresco on Windows then it is recommended to use the Win32 NetBIOS interface so that the Alfresco file server can run alongside the existing Windows file server.

If you are running Alfresco on Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris or other Un*x like operating system you will need to determine what is using the SMB/CIFS or FTP ports. For FTP you can configure the Alfresco FTP server to use a different port. For SMB/CIFS you will need try the following  possibilities :-

  • disable the other SMB/CIFS server
  • disable NetBIOS on the other SMB/CIFS server and configure the Alfresco SMB/CIFS server to use NetBIOS (using <netBIOSSMB/>).
  • disable native SMB (port 445) on the other SMB/CIFS server and configure the Alfresco SMB/CIFS server to use native SMB (using <tcpipSMB/>)
  • configure the two SMB/CIFS servers to use different network adapters if available

HostAnnouncer error : Invalid argument

The default file-servers.xml configuration file uses a network broadcast mask of which does not work in some network configurations.

Change the <broadcast> setting in the file-servers.xml file to the broadcast mask for your subnet.

CIFS server configuration error, Failed to determine local domain/workgroup

When running Alfresco on Windows the local domain or workgroup name is retrieved using JNI code, under other operating systems the CIFS server will try to find the browse master on the local subnet to determine the domain or workgroup name. The CIFS server will send out broadcasts on the local subnet which may fail or in some cases the browse master does not respond to broadcast requests.

You will need to configure the domain or workgroup name in the file-servers.xml file (see File Server Subsystem).

OpenOffice documents do not open when browsing

When browsing to the Alfresco server using SMB/CIFS and double-clicking an OpenOffice document OpenOffice will start and immediately exit.

This problem is caused by a bug in OpenOffice when the host name in a UNC path contains an underscore character. The Alfresco CIFS server defaults to the host name of <host>_A

Change the Alfresco CIFS server host name in the file-servers.xml file so that it does not contain an underscore character, or map a drive to the Alfresco share and open the document using the mapped drive.

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