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Back to Server Installation

This page provides instructions for installing Alfresco as an Enterprise ARchive format (EAR) into Oracle Weblogic 10.3.

Note that due to certain components of Alfresco requiring access to the ear file contents as files, these instructions require expanding the .ear into exploded format, as described in the Weblogic documentation. On other application servers, this may not be necessary. Alfresco's Weblogic deployment solution now makes use of a Filter Classloader, configured in the weblogic-application.xml, in order to ensure that the unmodified contents of the alfresco web module will run in Weblogic.

Example deployment

The following instructions are for Version 3.1 Enterprise and above.


  • Install OpenOffice and ensure the binaries are in the path
  • Install MySQL and create an alfresco database and user with appropriate permissions
  • Install Weblogic 10.3, but do not create any domains or servers yet
  • Download alfresco_enterprise.ear and a license file (.lic)

To install on UNIX platforms:

  1. Choose a directory to host the exploded .ear file and copy alfresco_enterprise.ear to that directory
  2. Run the following commands in that directory to explode the ear file:

    • mkdir alfresco
    • cd alfresco
    • jar xvf ../alfresco_enterprise.ear
    • mv alfresco.war alfresco.war.tmp
    • mv share.war share.war.tmp
    • mkdir alfresco.war
    • mkdir share.war
    • cd alfresco.war
    • jar xvf ../alfresco.war.tmp
    • cd ../share.war
    • jar xvf ../share.war.tmp
  3. Use the BEA Configuration Wizard (<Weblogic Home>/common/bin/ on Unix) to create a new domain, for example alf_domain.
  4. Create a directory <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/alfresco/extension/license, for example on Unix:
    mkdir -p <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/alfresco/extension/license

  5. Put the license .lic file into a <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/alfresco/extension/license folder.
  6. In <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain, create the file, as described in Repository configuration.
  7. In, add the following line. This is required to make the DBCP connection pool work on Weblogic.

  8. Place the database JDBC driver .jar in <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/lib.
  9. Edit <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/config/config.xml and add the following before the end of the </security-configuration> section:


  10. In <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/bin/ edit all of the lines prefixed with MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE line to increase the PermGen space. Note, depending on whether you have installed on a 64 or 32 bit platform you may see different combinations of these lines.




  11. Also in this file, set the heap size parameter appropriately. The following is a recommendation:


  12. For Weblogic this extra edit is required to ensure that alf_domain is in the global classpath.


  13. Edit <Weblogic Home>/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/ so that the above settings are passed on to the Alfresco server by the node manager.


  14. Start the domain admin server (for example <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/
  15. Using a web browser, log in to the admin server (for example, at http://localhost:7001/console). The default user name and password is weblogic.
  16. To enable automatic control of your Alfresco server:

    • Create a 'machine' with the details of the machine running the domain. This will allow the node manager to control servers on that machine. Refer to the Weblogic documentation to find out how to do this.
    • Create a server, AlfrescoServer, within that machine. Refer to the Weblogic documentation for more inforamtion. Note that you have to choose a unique port number. A good port number to choose is 8080, because it is preconfigured in Share. Note that you can leave the host name blank if you want it to listen on all network adapters.
    • Ensure that the node manager is running (for example, <Weblogic Home>/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/ Now you will be able to use the admin server Change Center panel to start and stop your Alfresco server.
  17. In the left pane of the Administration Console, click Deployments.
  18. In the right pane, click Install.
  19. Using the Install Application Assistant, locate the directory of your exploded .ear file (the one containing alfresco.war and share.war directories) and click Next. Make sure you have selected the directory and not any of its files.
  20. Check Install this deployment as an application radio button, and then click Next.
  21. Click Finish. Click Activate Changes.
  22. Using the Change Center panel, restart AlfrescoServer.
  23. Log in to Alfresco at http://localhost:8080/alfresco or http://localhost:8080/share

Using the Alfresco extension mechanism

To use the Alfresco Extension mechanism to configure Alfresco without modifying core configuration files, place the extension files in <Weblogic Home>/user_projects/domains/alf_domain/alfresco/extension.
