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YUI 3.x and Alfresco Share

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Alfresco Community!
We're starting a new project and looking to use Alfresco/Share as our framework. We have been studying both YUI 2.x and YUI 3.x. There are quite a few advancements in regards to the language in YUI 3.x and it's now what Yahoo recommends in reviewing of their documentation, ex Nodes and IO. Is it possible to use the share UI and develop custom functionality with mixing in YUI 3.x or do we need to stay pure YUI 2.x?

We've reviewed the forum response, although we don't believe it's the same question.


Wiley Jacobs

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Questions about YUI 3.x come up every couple of months or so (e.g. see

Our position with Share remains the same: we have no plans to completely refactor Share from YUI 2.9.0 to YUI 3.x.

Your question is slightly different however, in that you're asking
Is it possible to use the share UI and develop custom functionality with mixing in YUI 3.x or do we need to stay pure YUI 2.x?
to which the answer is "yes, you can mix". Last time I looked at one of the YAHOO developer sites (I forget which one) it was combining YUI 2.x and 3.x. I suspect that's because components such as the DataTable hadn't been migrated yet, so that might not be the case any more.

In summary: Yes, you can use both YUI 2.x and 3.x on the same page. You can go wild an use jQuery too - they all play nicely together these days  Smiley Happy


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Great! Thanks for the quick reply. You guys have done a great job, we're excited to get strarted.