04-22-2008 12:34 PM
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08-09-2010 01:56 AM
The missing part as i think while using web services in current format is the creation of a custom aspect setting approver group details or any other details required, in your custom content model & set it while workflow is executing either in java script or in actionhandler.Once set, you can get it anywhere you want including custom web service.
Create a SOAP based wrapper around a REST based web script to expose such functionalities which are not provided in web services as below.
public class AlfCustomWebService{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String ticket;
private HttpURLConnection conn = null;
public String getUserList() {
//Getting property from alfresco-global.properties file.
WsPropertyReader propertyReader = new WsPropertyReader();
String adminUsername = propertyReader.getProperty("admin.username");
String adminPassword = propertyReader.getProperty("admin.password");
String wsEndPoint = propertyReader.getProperty("alfresco.ws.endpoint");
String webScriptUrl = propertyReader.getProperty("webscripturl");
String webScriptMethod = propertyReader.getProperty("webscriptmethod");
try {
//Startting session & setting endpoint.
AuthenticationUtils.startSession(adminUsername, adminPassword);
//Creating URL for web script.
URL scriptUrl = (new URI(webScriptUrl)).toURL();
logger.debug("Invoking Web Script : " + scriptUrl);
//Getting connection & setting properties for same.
conn = (HttpURLConnection) scriptUrl.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic "+ Base64.encodeBytes((getTicket()).getBytes()));
//Checking for response from web script.
logger.debug("Response code : " + conn.getResponseCode());
//Getting response as a string.
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
String result = buffer.toString();
Alfresco 3.4 or whatever it will be called, contains far more of a workflow API.
08-22-2010 05:54 AM
08-22-2010 08:21 AM
Also, Alfresco put great stress on web scripts but in real time implementation , web services are very much needed , both from client requirement perspective & for integrating two heterogeneous systems.If user tries to invoke web scripts from third party systems, it require that users write some kind of invoker classes & use them on other system than Alfresco where Alfresco needs to be accessed but web services provide WSDLs which can be used independently.Also, if i try to access web script on a third party system, i need to put dependency jars on other system making it a bit complex, which i think , can be avoided using web service.Correct me if i am wrong here.
Do you guys planning to give more powers to web services in future?
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