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workflow - naming tasks inquiry

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I created a custom workflow that doesnt allow a user to assign a task to another user/group to review/approve content because it is hard coded into the my custom process definition. 

What I have done: I hard coded a group for a reviewed-pooled type of workflow.  Using the wf:submitGroupReviewTask, I had commented out the show-association line and in the workflowModel.xml, I commented out the mandatory aspect of groupAssignee. 

What is the issue: My custom workflow works perfectly.  But the other default workflows that Alfresco comes with, do not work anymore.  And I want both my custom and default workflows to work (these default workflows allows a user to assign tasks to others, and since i commented out these lines, these workflows do not have that option anymore.

The cause: Since I'm using the same name for the wf tasks, its going to affect other workflows that refer to this specific task.

I've tried to rename it like wf:testSubmitGroupReviewTask, but it just keeps getting complex because I would have to rename many other wf tasks, their parents, and then to renaming bpm model tasks.   

Is this the way to go? How should I handle this situation??

any insight would be great


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Well, you made the mistake of modifying the definition for the original workflows for your needs in stead of creating a new model with the required definition.
What you need to do is to restore the original files for the model and process definitions of the "standard" workflows.
Next you create a copy of both definition files and place them with a new name in the "extension" folder (see also the WIKI on Workflow Administration for details). Now you have to modify both files such that the model definitions are no longer referred to by "wf:" but for instance by "mywf:". In this way you have made a carbon copy of the original advanced workflows.
In these "new" definition files you make the modifications as you describe.
Next you have to "deploy" the new workflow by creating the proper entry lines in the following files:
And finally you have to add lines to the file "web-client-config-custom.xml" to ensure that the proper properties are visible in the task view. For more information on how to do this you can read
I hope this helps.
Regards, Rob

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thank you rob for pointing out that mistake.

It was able to make the changes and it worked.  Now I'm trying to modify my custom 'advanced' workflow into a WCM workflow, which I should be able to figure out if I follow these steps again, and also referring to the default wcm 'submit' workflow for guidance.

thanks once again.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm really close, I believe, to getting this wcm workflow to work in web projects.

But not quite there yet, I think the problem again is naming conventions.

Heres what my tomcat spitted out:

WARNING: Cannot find WCM workflow def for configured definition name: testwcmwf:wcmtest

That is what I named my workflow: wcmtest.
And 'testwcmwf' is the carbon copy of 'wcmwf'.

What I've done: I know from the another forum discussion, in the web-client-config-wcm.xml file, you have to enable this wcm workflow to be visible in the <workflows> tags.

I think this is where Alfresco is getting confused.  Or otherwise I have the models names, prefixes, etc entered wrong in my created files, though I think its correct.

So I'm kina stuck, why cant it locate the workflow definition?
The workflow doesnt show up when I'm creating a new web project, just this error appears.

thanks for any help

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
anyone know how to resolve, or tried creating their own custom wcm workflow?