02-04-2009 12:16 AM
02-04-2009 03:49 AM
Can all users create new sites in share. Managers can manage sites, as in add users, but can I limit the users that have permission to create sites.Currently any user can create a site; there's no way of limiting this today.
How do you create a user so that they are a manager?You don't - you grant permissions to a user on a site-by-site basis in the Members page for that Site.
02-04-2009 04:00 AM
02-04-2009 05:41 AM
02-04-2009 05:56 AM
02-04-2009 07:01 AM
02-04-2009 07:21 AM
02-04-2009 08:39 AM
02-04-2009 03:46 PM
function main()
//Code below is added to check if user has administrator permissions
if (person == null || !people.isAdmin(person))
status.setCode(status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Site creation is not allowed, your have to be an Administrator");
// Get the details of the site
var shortName = json.get("shortName");
if (shortName == null || shortName.length == 0)
status.setCode(status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Short name missing when creating site");
// See if the shortName is available
var site = siteService.getSite(shortName);
if (site != null)
status.setCode(status.STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "error.duplicateShortName");
var sitePreset = json.get("sitePreset");
if (shortName == null || shortName.length == 0)
status.setCode(status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Site preset missing when creating site");
var title = json.get("title");
var description = json.get("description");
var isPublic = json.getBoolean("isPublic");
// Create the site
var site = siteService.createSite(sitePreset, shortName, title, description, isPublic);
// Put the created site into the model
model.site = site;
02-26-2009 11:46 AM
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