Hi all
I am new to alfresco and problably some of its concepts..
Hi would like to evaluate Alfresco WCM as I would like to use it to create a website which can be edited/reviewed by users.
I have downloaded and istalled what I thought would be the WCM but I end up with Alfresco Share which seems to be more a document mangement. If I create a site within Alfresco Share, I end up with a menu with the following options ( Wiki, Blog, Document library etc..)
I can see that I can add "Dashlets" but what I really want is a solution when I can create my own information architecture (menus and site structure) I design my own page layout (perhaps by modifying some existing themes ) etc..
Have I downloaded the wrong product ? Should I install a module on top of AlfrescoShare ?
I spotted a readme file explaining that :
To enable Web Content Management in Alfresco, you need to install the
Virtualization server and configure WCM to bootstrap. The WCM enabler
is distributed in a ZIP or tar.gz
I have search for ages for a downloadable "WCM enabler" but I can not find this on the Alfresco site or nowhere else for that matter..
I appreciate that all the above is probably dead simple in a way, but to be honest right now I have no clue ! I used CMS in the past like dot net nuke or Joomla but here, I am completely lost.
Help would be much appreciated.