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What is the process of deployment in ActivitiEngine: Deploying unwanted resources

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am using SpringProcessEngineConfiguration and MS Sql database.  I have provided a bpmn file to deploymentResources attribute of SpringProcessEngineConfiguration.  Now i am running process by loading activitisping file using java main method. So when i execute the process once, does it load all the process artifacts on database, because after running once i removed bpmn file from deploymentResources attribute and i can see the process is still running and loading the bpmn file although i havent provided the bpmn file to activiti spring file.

Below is my spingbean and deployment log

<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.spring.SpringProcessEngineConfiguration">
      <property name="deploymentResources" value="classpath:/diagrams/UVMCommitProcess.bpmn" />
      <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
       <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
       <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="true" />
       <property name="jobExecutorActivate" value="false" />

Jun 25, 2014 6:21:22 PM org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer deploy
INFO: Processing resource D:\workPlaceJBOSS\ActivitiUVMCommit\target\classes\diagrams\JavaReceiveTask.bpmn
Jun 25, 2014 6:21:23 PM org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer deploy
INFO: Processing resource D:\workPlaceJBOSS\ActivitiUVMCommit\target\classes\diagrams\JavaReceiveTask.javaReceiveProcess.png
INFO: Processing resource D:\workPlaceJBOSS\ActivitiUVMCommit\target\classes\diagrams\UVMCommitProcess.bpmn
Jun 25, 2014 6:21:23 PM org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.deployer.BpmnDeployer deploy
INFO: Processing resource D:\workPlaceJBOSS\ActivitiUVMCommit\target\classes\diagrams\UVMCommitProcess.uvmCommitAA.png

As you can see i have added only UVMCommitProcess.bpmn file but it has loaded JavaReceiveTask.bpmn as well.  I have deployed JavaReceiveTask.bpmn earlier but is it no more required for me, how i can avoid deployment of such files.

Rahul Vashishth

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
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