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What is actually Webscript response?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hello everyone,
When access a java-backend webscript over IP address, I can handle the response as json object as I have defined. But when I access it over a host name, the response.json seem not work.

What is actually I mean is
[XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]: [port]/share/page/webscript : No error, and response.json != null so I can handle it via client java script.
[hostname]: [port]/share/page/webscript: Error happens, and response.json = null, I cannot handle the response.

Note that, the hostname is online, I got it OK on localhost.

Thanks for your help.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
are you able to access the alfresco with your hostname?
Have you secured your alfresco with HTTPS?

I can access alfresco via hostname, just my webscript I defined, the response I got via hostname is different with what I got via Ip. And my javascript client side cannot handle with it. Smiley Sad This is really hard bug to me.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Can you post an example URL/code?
Client side, I mean.

Are you logged in via IP when trying to access webscripts via IP? and also, are you logged in via hostname, when trying to access via hostname?

Like I said, code sample would help us help you the best.
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