First thanks for this marvelous tool. Alfresco is just what we were looking for and more !! Before deploying Alfresco, I have a concerne and want to know if we can do something with that…
I set Alfresco to make every file versionable. This is working well. I'm under Windows 7 x64. If I use the embedded WebDav client (which is working well apart from details like no estimation of upload time, but it's another subject),every thing is cool. If I open a file with Ms Word for exemple, it detects it as a versionned file, and when I make modification on it and save it, the version of the file is just increased and I can go back to another version for exemple. But if I use Webdrive I can still connect and everything, but the same file open in Word is not see as a versioned file anymore and for the sad part, when I save changes, it just erase all the versioning information on the server ! Very very bad !
I hope I'm doing something wrong, because it's kind of freaking me out for the futur. I can't garantie that all my users will connect with windows client, and I really don't want to lose all the versioning information !
Thanks for your help in advance (And excuse my English, I'm French )
Still no clue I try to go forward but now I discovered that office 2011 (for mac) is doing the same thing ! What seems to happen - Word (for exemple) open the file (let say a.docx) - I work on it - I click the save button - Word create a file Temp_XXXX.docx on the webdav - Word delete the old opened file (so a.docx) - Word rename Temp_XXXX.docx to a.docx
So when I look to a.docx file in Alfresco, this one has no history but a creation and a change of name… I still can access to the old a.docx file in the garbage but it's not suitable in a working environment Please tell me I missed something !
Hi, we have a similar problem. the actual copy of the file is ok, but some, if not all versions before, turned to 0bytes. When you look op de noderef of the version, you will find that in the same folder of the "0 bytes" document, there is actually your desired document. It's just not referred to from the version history. This is indeed a big problem. Did anyone else experienced this problem and figured out a solution?