Where you put them in the amp structure does not matter at all. what does matter is how you bootstrap it. bootstrap code allows you to refer to an xml file which points to how nodes are supposed to be added.
You can add your information in one of two ways - in an xml file that points to files explicitly, or an ACP file, (which also has an xml file that points to file, it's just easier to generate it through space export).
The easiest way to do this is:
1. Put your webscripts into the appropriate directory in data dictionary.
2. Delete ALL webscripts OTHER than yours.
3. Do an export of the contents of the directory. This will create an ACP file. Download the ACP file to your desktop and copy it to one of the module directories (e.g. bootstrap).
4. Create bootstrap-context.xml in context subdirectory of your module, i.e. config\alfresco\module\org.alfresco.module.yourmodule\context\
5. In the file, add a bean for bootstrapping, and point it to the acp file:
<!– Bootstrap –>
<bean id="org_alfresco_module_bootstrapSpaces" class="org.alfresco.repo.module.ImporterModuleComponent" parent="module.baseComponent">
<property name="moduleId" value="org.alfresco.module.yourmodule.project" />
<property name="name" value="org.alfresco.module.yourmodule.bootstrapSpaces" />
<property name="description" value="Initial data requirements" />
<property name="sinceVersion" value="0.4" />
<property name="appliesFromVersion" value="0.4" />
<!– Data properties –>
<property name="importer" ref="spacesBootstrap"/>
<property name="bootstrapViews">
<prop key="path">/cm:categoryRoot/cm:generalclassifiable</prop>
<prop key="location">alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.yourmodule/bootstrap/rm_categories.xml</prop>
<prop key="path">/${spaces.company_home.childname}/${spaces.dictionary.childname}/Web Scripts</prop>
<prop key="location">alfresco/bootstrap/web_scripts.acp</prop>
In the snippet above, web_scripts.acp should get exploded to Web Scripts directory (i am not sure about the exact string you should be using there, so you might have to play around with that one).
After that, you can start testing. The bootstrap happens when you startup the first time after installing that AMP. There is no good way to uninstall AMP right now, so for testing purposes, you can delete your db and file store, and recreate it from scratch. There might be a better way, don't know.
Ok, this should help. Now I just need to add this to the Wiki….