I'm trying to start a new content driven website using Web Quick Start as the basis. I started with the community version 4.2.c, and noticed the issues mentioned by others
Should I be contacting someone in sales to get the equivalent Web Quick Start project source for the Enterprise edition? Alternatively, is there any way to proceed on the community version so I can properly evaluate without Enterprise?
If you think you may end up on Enterprise anyway, then, yes, contact sales and they'll hook you up.
If you don't think that is a possibility and you want to stay on Community Edition, you could either drop back to 4.0.d, which is the last stable Community Edition release before 4.2.a, or you could wait for 4.2.d which will hopefully be this summer, or you could stick with 4.2.c and try to patch it yourself when the fix gets merged (which may be closer to the 4.2.d release anyway).