OK. To take the question of how to create your own ACP first:
1. Load up the supplied ACP initially by using the Quick Start dashlet
2. Use Share to make changes that you want: rename the site, add and configure sections, assets, and asset collections as you require
3. Use the Explorer client to export the new structure that you've created as an ACP. The Quick Start ACP includes everything from the "Alfresco Quick Start" folder down, and this is probably a good pattern to follow
Now how to import your new ACP. One approach is simply to name your ACP file "wcmquickstart.acp" and place it in the same location on the classpath as the default one (in Tomcat this would be, for example, "shared/classes/alfresco/module/org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart/bootstrap/wcmquickstart.acp"). The dashlet will then load yours instead of ours. The other option would be to place it somewhere else on the classpath, and alter the "wcmqs.importFileLocations" property to point to it.
Does that make sense?