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Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I built a project in Company/Web Projects , when i create a space and bulk import a war package,in the alfresco ,i can preview the project .

but i want to deploy the project to other server and use other url .for example , i use "http://localhost:8080/myProject"  what i do ? please help me . thank you all ;

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I have a few basic questions for this subject. In the readme.txt for the File Receiver installation it says to use the path you extracted the zip for the configuration. It uses something like /opt/deployment but what is before that? For example i extract in C:\fileReceiver do i use /C:/fileReceiver in my configuration and C: as the root directory for every subsequent installation? And if the file receiver is up and running how to i declare it in my application? samuel.pen named it "\\daiakuji" but i didn't find any declaration of the name in the file receiver configuration, so from where will i derive the name i will give to the configuration of the  server in my project?

With regards

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
In the examples I gave, "daiakuji" is the host name of the live web server (i.e., where the FSR is running). The FSR doesn't need to be configured for this, because it just writes everything locally. You would just use "\\webservername".

I'm not sure what you mean about /opt/deployment. Something you may be missing (since you've mentioned using C: in your path, I'll make a simple assumption that you don't have experience with UNIX - apologies if it's wrong) is that in UNIX, '/' is the root directory that sits above all filesystems. In DOS, the closest equivalent is a drive letter like C:, so you don't need to prefix that with a '/' if you're using Windows.

You would just use C:\fileReceiver (or C:/fileReceiver, I can never remember which way the slash goes in Java for DOS paths).

Does that help?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi sam and thanks for your immediate response,

As far as the path goes you have helped a lot (and by the way you are correct about me and unix). I am still a bit confused about the live web server but for now i would like to ask you what is the result of a correct configuration of the FileReceiver, i mean a did everything in the readme and when i executed the deploy_start bat the starting message appeared and then the dos  window closed is this correct? And concerning the live server, i will have to set up one for myself and connect it somehow with the application?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
There should be a java process running after calling deploy_start. You could check in task manager, or try running it from the command line to see if there is any output.

The FSR simply writes the content of the web site to the file system. For example, mine writes into the directory /opt/deployment/www. In that directory it creates a ROOT subdirectory, and beneath that the directory structure of the web site, including all the files, as so:

daiakuji deployment # ls /opt/deployment/www
daiakuji deployment # ls /opt/deployment/www/ROOT
WEB-INF         characters.xml  genres      news                rules       settings
assets          download        genres.jsp  news.rss            rules.jsp   settings.jsp
characters      download.jsp    genres.xml  recent-updates.jsp  rules.xml   settings.xml
characters.jsp  download.xml    index.jsp   rssfeed.jsp         search.jsp  sitemap.xml

In my case, the ROOT directory is linked into a Tomcat webapp (it's a soft link (like a shortcut) that points to /opt/tomcat5/webapps/yags), so I have a Tomcat server running (which DOES NOT run Alfresco), and it just serves the content as a website. I could write directly into the webapps directory in Tomcat, but since the deployment always creates a ROOT folder, this would overwrite Tomcat's ROOT webapp, which in this case I don't want).

If all you are generating are HTML files, then you could write the content into the directory for an Apache or IIS installation. The FSR is not a web server, it just deploys the content onto the file system so that it can be picked up by a web server. It's generally best that the live website is on a different server, normally in a DMZ where the public can access it, with the Alfresco server inside the firewall where the public can't access it. Initially, all you need to worry about is whether it writes the files onto the filesystem - you don't need a web server running to test this bit.

You could for test purposes have the FSR running on the same machine as Alfresco, though you may need to play around with port numbers to avoid port conflicts. Since I use virtual servers for everything, creating a new server for deploying into is relatively trivial.

There are log files in the FSR directory, so you may want to check those to see what's happening. I've only ever used the FSR on Linux, so I don't have much familiarity with problems you may get in DOS.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi again,

I have succesfully created a ROOT folder in the folder i specified in application-context.xml namely c:\www. It appears to have all the folder from my alfrescosamle web application and if i am not mistaken this actually is a wep application. So i set up a new tomcat and transfer the folder with a changed name in his wepapp directory. When i type http://localhost:8086/projectname i get an HTTP status 404 error: The requested resource () is not available. What am i doing wrong now?

With regards

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If the files are there, it sounds like a an issue in tomcat. Is there a webapp called projectname that is deployed (according to the Tomcat management console)? Is there an index.html or index.jsp in the root of the webapp?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
How to view the deployed website.

Have isntalled alfresco 3.2.
Created sample webproject by downloading alfresco.war [given along with the 3.2 setup]
While configuring website,
I gave the foll. details in deployment receiver details

host: localhost
port: 50500
url: http://localhost:8080/alfrescowww

alfrescowww is the webproject name.

I am able to deploy the website using the above details but the url given in depoyment receiver does not work. it says resource not found.

how to view the deployed websites.

I do not have any idea about server configuration.
Plz. give a solution .could not find any useful information on this in net for more than a week.
note: target accepts only avm. IF I give target as webproject name, it says no such target found.
