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Virtualization with VMconverter

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've tried to convert to a VMware machine  my installation of Alfresco on Red Hat 4.5, but when I start the new virtual machine, Alfresco stops working.
My questions are:

has Alfresco some PATH to change if partition table changes?
wich logs sould I examine?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi teox,
I assume, your guest OS is redhat, so I would say:

1) Alfresco works with paths, if you change partitions, the mountpoints may change, which might mess up the installation, but thas has nothing to do with Alfresco but with linux filesystem, I would say. I would be surprised if Alfresco goes that deep to care about mount points, though

2) Logs for failed Alfresco are
<alf_home>/tomcat/logs/catalina.out (for tomcat bundles)
database log in /etc/ log (somewhere there for mysql DB)

3) Did you use the standardsettings for VMware converter ? It should not move applications into different locations. Could happen with windows systems tough, counting partititions differently (making D to C etc.) In that case, check alfresco.bat, the custom- settings and the database installation for correct paths. The probem is not Alfrescobased, but general when moving apps. So better check everything or reinstall.

I hope that helped,