11-29-2016 01:35 AM
Hello! One of my alfresco sites suddenly stopped updating version history for documents created by a certain user. It happens when other users try to edit these documents online, no new version appears in history but the changes themself are saved, when editing offline version history gets saved. The only thing that helps is to reupload the document again, but I don't like this decision since all the history will be lost.
Is there a way to fix it without loosing the history?
11-29-2016 10:56 AM
Can you provide any more information on the affected documents? I.e. in what path below the site are they stored (I believe the documentation states that there may be issues with files stored at the top level) and what aspects / properties regarding the cm:versionable aspect are set?
Also, what Alfresco version and SharePoint module are you using? The newer AOS or legacy VTI?
11-30-2016 02:19 AM
Thanks for reply. The versionable aspect seems to be set. After reapplying this aspect for one document the versioning is working again, but the history is lost. Is there a way to force this aspect without loosing the history?
Considering the path, there are many documents in documentlibrary itself and in its subfolders.
The version of alfresco I'm using is 5.2.0 (r125711-b6).
11-30-2016 02:45 AM
Then it appears that the versionable properties are set to a value that prevents creation of new versions. Instead of removing and reapplying the aspect, simply set the cm:autoVersion property to true if it is currently false.
11-30-2016 03:25 AM
You mean version.store.enableAutoVersioning=true in alfresco-global.properties? Or is there another place to configure it? Is'n true supposer to be a default value?
11-30-2016 04:29 AM
No - I meant what I said: the cm:autoVersion node property. This is defaulted to the value of version.store.enableAutoVersioning but may be overriden on a per-node basis.
11-30-2016 04:53 AM
So how do I set cm:autoVersion to true? Where?
11-30-2016 05:17 AM
Either via the JavaScript console or "Edit Properties" (default metadata forms do not show that property though so you would have to configure one yourself).
12-02-2016 02:26 AM
Sorry for a late reply. Can you explain me how create a new property or give a link to some tutorial? I can't find any.
12-02-2016 02:32 AM
The property already exists. You would only have to configure a form for it to be editable.
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