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Using replication services to replicate data between repositories having same repository ID.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

We need to replicate data between two repositories, but as we have dumped (alf_data and DB) from repository 1 to repository 2, so both of them are having same repository ID. Now as new content has been created as well as updated on repository 1, we need to replicate that on repository 2 using replication service.

But internally I have seen that there is an IF check in code that prevents replicating contents between repositories having same repository ID, so what can be possible impacts if I remove that IF check and then do replication.

Also is there any other work around using which we can achieve above requirements.

Any help or pointers will be appreciated.

Environment :
Alfresco Version : 3.4.3 EE, Tomcat 6.X, MySQL 5.X

Faizaan shaikh

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Your repository IDs need to be unique.   There's not a lot that uses them at the moment but replication and sync are where repository ids become important.     You need to change the repository id of one of the repos.   

Working out the best way to do this is still on my "todo" list, so I can't give advice at the moment.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Mrogers,

Thanks for quick reply !

What is the reason why repository ids need's to be unique, I want to know what can be the possible areas that are likely to not function  properly if we removed that equality IF check for repository ID.

Faizaan Shaikh

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The purpose of the repository id is to be a uniqie identifier.    If its not unique then nothing that uses it will work.  In terms of transfer,  it won't know where files come from so will get confused with updates and the functionaility to "open in source repository" will open the wrong repo.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks a lot for explanation !

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hi ,i am facing issue with email and rule.
i have created one rule on document librarry and rule apply to sub directoried as well but the issue is that if i am trying to upload file using administrator the rule runs fine , but if i try to upload file using any other user there is permission denied message.

i am using alfresco community 3.4d…let me know if you can help me for this..

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You should check whether or not the non admin user has any permissions in the site. It sounds like you need to add the user to the site as a member with sufficient privilages to create documents.

Bob Johnson