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Using Openoffice converter from Alfresco on Ubuntu Edgy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ubuntu server 64
Alfresco 1.4 with tomcat bundle
java 1.5.0_08 Sun 2.04

The installation is allright, with mysql server, but the openoffice conversion doesn't work.
I start openoffice with this command :
xvfb-run /usr/bin/soffice -accept="socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless -invisible 
With the same user as tomcat.
When X11 is started, openoffice launch well and PDF conversion works well.
jooconversions with original package works well.
But, with Alfresco, it seems to work, but conversion is half done, the file is renamed with pdf at the end, but the format is unchanged.

Is it a misconfiguration with space actions or a trouble with ubuntu package version?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, how did you manage to get alfresco working on edgy?
I even installed JAva 5.0 and installed the binary for linux.
I can connect to alfresco webfrontend, but on startup, openoffice is not working.

If i only install, nothing is working aout of the box, i had to comment out every JAVA opts in the startupfiles and the openoffice startscript throws an error about not able to connect to X because of unknown device 168 ???

then i changed the script to use my distribution openoffice, but when i then try to open an openoffice document out of webinterface, the openoffice writer starts, but only shows the alfresco loginscreen within the document instead of the requested doc???