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Using Error end event without catching in the subprocess

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have two separate processes ParentProcess and childProcess.
I wanted to throw a error event in the child process and cach in the parentProcess. Can you please let me know how to do that?
I am using the call activitiy


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Also, as per the user guide,

An intermediate catching error on the boundary of an activity, or boundary error event for short, catches errors that are thrown within the scope of the activity on which it is defined.

Defining a boundary error event makes most sense on an embedded subprocess, or a call activity, as a subprocess creates a scope for all activities inside the subprocess. Errors are thrown by error end events. Such an error will propagate its parent scopes upwards until a scope is found on which a boundary error event is defined that matches the error event definition.

When an error event is caught, the activity on which the boundary event is defined is destroyed, also destroying all current executions within (e.g. concurrent activities, nested subprocesses, etc.). Process execution continues following the outgoing sequence flow of the boundary event.

And, i got the below error  while tryting to run the junit for the child process and using error end event in child process and bounary event in the parent process.

org.activiti.engine.delegate.BpmnError: No catching boundary event found for error with errorCode

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Ok, i'm not following it all, but basically you are saying an error thrown in a called processes does not propagate to the parent process.
Afaik, it should do that. Do you have a simple example test demonstrating that?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Error thrown in the called process is propagated in the calling process.
I tried to create two junits: one for the calling process and another for the called process. 
Junit for calling process works fine. But the junit for the called process/child process fails because of the error mentioned.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
yes, and that's the one I'm interested in 😉 So can you paste it here?