I upgraded from v3.3 to v4.2. My users look at "Completed Tasks" component on Dashboard. Before upgrade, they could see all completed tasks. Now it only shows the completed tasks that they were involved in, only.
this relates to a deliberate change in Alfresco behaviour as required by some customers. All access to workflows and tasks is now restricted by default, and only the owner, initiiator and assignees can view a task. Though I did not find the original issue right now, there is a duplicate of it <a href="https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-19064">in ALF-19064</a>.
If you want the old behaviour back, you need to disable the new "WorkflowService_security" bean by changing it to an instance of "org.alfresco.repo.security.permissions.impl.AlwaysProceedMethodInterceptor".
I am grateful you knew the history of this, and are able to help. OK so… the change you recommended fixed "All Active Tasks". Unfortunately it had no effect on "Completed Tasks". Any ideas on this one?