Hi ESWBitto,
As I can see you are doing wrong your BD restore. There are a lot of config files in alf_data/postgresql, so you are replacing or loosing configurations of Alfresco 4.2.d Postgres.
I would recommend you just create a dump of Alfresco 4.2.c database and restore in original Alfresco 4.2.d database. Here are the necessary steps:
1. Generate db dump, you need to execute "pg_dump" command, you need to go to ${OLD_ALFRESCO_INSTALL_DIR}/postgresql/bin/. Execute this in your console:
>>> <b>pg_dump -Fc alfresco > backup.pgb<b>
NOTE:You need to have running Alfresco 4.2.c PostgreSQL service, but Tomcat service needs to be stopped.
2. You need to restore this dump file in your Alfresco 4.2.d postgres. In this example I going to create an empty schema to restore dump file. First you have to do this entering to postgresql
>>> <b>psql -U postgres -h localhost
psql (8.4.12)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create DATABASE alfresco_42c;</b>
NOTE: If you do not want to create new schema you can delete alfresco schema of empty repository and create it again.
NOTE: Here you need to have running Alfresco 4.2.d PostgreSQL service, but Tomcat service needs to be stopped.
3. Restore dump file in empty schema alfresco_42c, to do this operation you need the "pg_restore" command, this command is located in ${NEW_ALFRESCO_INSTALL_DIR}/postgresql/bin/. Execute the following
>>> <b>pg_restore -d alfresco_42c backup.pgb </b>
4. Point to the restored schema in alfresco-global-properties and the location of restored alf_data.
5. Run Tomcat service and check in your log files for applied patches.
6. Enjoy your repository in latest Alfresco Community version.
Take care,