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Forum Posts

'Check links' functionality is absent in 3.0 version

Hi,I am not able to use this functionality. "Check Links" is absent on sandboxes pages and on submit page. Is this functionality available in 3.0 version? If yes how can I set up it?I have found the following bug :

jkat by Champ in-the-making
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Did anyone manage to install Share on JBoss? Huge problem!

I have full working installation of Alfresco.war on JBoss 4.2.1.G.A.My enviroment:ubuntu 8.10java-sun-jdk- 5.0alfresco 3 Stable.I've followed wiki instructions on installation on jboss

Folder as a Workspace

Hi,     How to map a folder in our local file system as a Workspace in Alfresco repository.     OR   How to map a folder to a workspace. BY CIFS we can mount a new Network drive. But my requirement is with the existing Folder (having some documents) ...

Workflow - Validation de Documents de 'Grégory Helbin'

Bonjour à vous,Je reviens vers vous car je rencontre un problème lors du déploiement du Workflow distribué par Grégory Helbin (compte rendu de son stage disponible à l'adresse suivante :

tserando by Champ in-the-making
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Importing directory contents instead of ACP or ZIP file

Hi AllIs there a way to import the contents of a directory into alfresco workspace?  Possibly command line method.  I have a huge directory where the size of the content is around 500 Gigs. I want to load the contents into alfresco without zipping th...

forumuser by Champ in-the-making
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Export and Import through API

I am using alfresco 2.0 in windows with tomcat server and oracle database.I am not able to understand the following code given in the wiki link :// define which part of the Repository to exportLocation ...

Migration from Fatwire to Alfresco

Hi everyone,I'm working in a project to export all the content from a Fatwire CMS to another Java option. Basically I'm looking for a similar CMS with good support. It doesn't necessarily have to be open source. I thought Alfreso could be a good cand...

infiniter by Champ in-the-making
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Pooled tasks

Hola amigos,Me ha surgido una duda sobre las pooled tasks de un workflow. A ver si se os ocurre cómo lo abordaríais o si tenéis una solución al respecto.Como sabéis, las pooled tasks son tareas que se pueden asignar a un colectivo de personas posible...

ajv by Champ in-the-making
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Import de document

Bonjour,Alors voila, j'ai créer une petite arborescence de dossier sous alfresco du type:Espace utilisateur   Dossier 1      sous dossier 1.1      sous dossier 1.2      sous dossier 1.3  Dossier 2     sous dossier 2.1     sous dossier 2.2     sous do...

loicb by Champ in-the-making
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Import en masse + métadonnées

Bonjour!!Quelqu'un pourrait il me dire comment réaliser un import en masse de fichier avec leur méta données?? J'ai vu ACP Generator, la création de l'archive marche mais elle ne s'importe pas dans alfresco, ou tout du moins, ne se dé zippe pas dans ...

loicb by Champ in-the-making
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