Hi, i've been facing this issues for a couple of months and i've done my research. after some time i've been able to successfully upgrade my instance from 4.2.0b to 5.0c just using the javascriptconsole.in my case i just realized that my stack trace error ( that is very similar to yours ) stated: parent=workspace://SpacesStore/3a537a67-2254-4faa-a18a-4a9561d81136,assocType=null
this parent object was in fact the "companyhome" folder. this can easily seen using node browser and do a noderef query searching forworkspace://SpacesStore/3a537a67-2254-4faa-a18a-4a9561d81136
(ofc this is mine noderef you have to adjust it) it also told me that "company home" folder also had the infamous "gd:googleResource" aspect.knowing this i made some further research and removed that aspect using this javascript console line:companyhome.removeAspect("{http://www.alfresco.org/model/googledocs/1.0}googleResource");
note that companyhome is a root object that is already defined in console context, so you don't have to redefine it.after this i simply made a snapshot of my alfresco vm, stopped tomcat and replaced alfresco and share war with 5.0c versions.all database patches went fine, i just had some troubles because in my alfresco-globals.config i commented out index automatic rebuilding.that led me to a functional install but without tags. re-enabling auto rebuild of indexes and a tomcat restart fixed the problem.i hope this could help you.