Hi, after update from alfresco 4.2.c to 5.0.0 I lose the event in calendar, it's the same if I try to add the new event In the catalina.out log I found this warn: WARN [alfresco.solr.AlfrescoSolrDataModel] [SolrTrackerScheduler_Worker-2] Model not updated: bpm:businessprocessmodel Failed to validate model update - found non-incrementally updated PROPERTY '{http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}name'
I don't found any documents for this update, do you have any idea about this issue?
for any major version upgrade it is recommended and typically required to perform a complete re-index. Your issue is one example of why that is the case. Major version updates may introduce non-trivial changes to content models, which make it difficult / impossible for Lucene / SOLR to continue working with an index that was created before that change.