I have created a deployment using a zip folder containing three files (the process and two forms) as follow:-1. MyProcess3.bpmn.xml2. handle_refund.html3. request.htmlAnd the first tasks in the workflow has its Assignee = kermit , and has its form key = request.html. the task looks as follow:-- <process id="process1" name="process1">
<startEvent id="startevent1" name="Start" />
<userTask id="usertask1" name="Request Refund" activiti:assignee="kermit" activiti:formKey="request.html" />
<parallelGateway id="parallelgateway1" name="Parallel Gateway" />
but after deploying the above process i login using kermit but he CANNOT see or start the new process under "Processes —> Process definition" section inside the activiti explorer.second question :- if i search by process name then the process will appear but if i click on "complete task" button the "request.html" form will NOT appear; instead of that a message will be shown saying that the "task process3 completed"!!So can anyone explain why these are happening; first thing that the deployment is not listed in the process definition section & second issue is that the request.html form will not be shown if the assigned user click on "complete task" button.