I have Alfresco running on my NAS with the below configuration. Everything is working and I can open and save documents from office for iPad if I enter the full URL to the document. When I however try to "add a place" via sharepoint URL it looks like office tries to establish the connection and then just goes back to the screen where I can enter the URL. I am unable to "browse" the site. In the catalina log I get the warning message that no handler was found for OPTIONS and HEAD.
Two questions on the above. Should I be able to add a place/site in my office for iPad (accessing alfresco via the vti module)? And if so, do you have any pointers to what I am missing?
I have the following configuration
- Qnap NAS with QTS 4.1.3
- JRE 8.6.0
- Tomcat 7.0.50
- Alfresco 5.0.c with Share and SPP installed
- Tomcat, Alfresco and Share configured for SSL on 8443 using a self-signed certificate
- SPP configured for SSL on 7070
- Solr 4 configured with SSL
- iPad Air 2, iOS 8.2 and latest office apps
Thanks a lot