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type detail in property-sheet

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I would like to display in the detail of a content (property-sheet) , the type.
And I don't know how to do.

, I would like to display "essential" (Here in the doc info) in my property-sheet :

Current Document Info:
Name: FR -2SJV- Java SE Syntaxe - Module 2 -DOC- v0.9.doc
Ref: workspace://SpacesStore/782438a1-5f0f-11dc-9a81-affbcf65a9d5
Type: {}essential
DBID: 1 608
Content URL: /alfresco/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/782438a1-5f0f-11dc-9a81-affbcf65a9d5/FR%20-2SJV-%20Java%20SE%20Syntaxe%20-%20Module%202%20-DOC-%20v0.9.doc
Locked: No
Aspects: {}auditable

I guess, I have to add something in the web-client-config:

   <config evaluator="node-type" condition="ls:essential">
         <separator name="gen" display-label-id="general_props"
            component-generator="HeaderSeparatorGenerator" />
         <show-property name="ls:subject" display-label-id="subject" />
         <show-property name="ls:javaVersion" display-label-id="java_version"/>

If you have an idea of how I can do ….

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
'type' isn't stored as a property on the client side Node object that the property sheet uses, the type is accessed via the getType() method.

To add 'type' as a property you will have to implement a PropertyResolver and plug it in, have a look at BrowseBean.queryBrowseNodes() to see how this is done.

Once you have done that then yes, you'll need to add some config as you have suggested.