Hi all, I need to have a workflow for documents with two step approvation. In details: 1. the document goes to 1 or N user(s) for revision (accept/reject/modify document); 2. after the approval of all, the document goes to 1 approver that accept o reject the document. The two step are sequential between them: the user, after step 1, will not not have to start another workflow for step 2 but this is started automatically from Alfresco in some way.
I think that a fast solution is to "link" a default group reveiw workflow with a default approval workflow.
The problem is how to combine this two workflow (rules? scripts?)
If somwone have some ideas (also different!) would be a big help!
The best way is probably to create your own workflow. You'll end up with an independent workflow that match your business process perfectly and have the luck to testify how awesome activiti is. Everything goes quite smoothly with the provided eclipse plugin and Jeff's tutorial: http://ecmarchitect.com/archives/2012/02/20/1552
The development of workflow from scratch I think it's a good method, however, I'm not so expert in Activiti (for example as it is possible to instantiate N task of revision for approvers?) I knew that the development of workflow would be a good method, but I kept it as a last approach if possible
Noone's born expert But as I said, with the eclipse plugin and Jeff's tutorial you can learn quite fast.
If you wanna stick with some js it might be possible, all you need is a handler to trigger the second workflow. I don't think behaviors got that kind of handlers as is but if you look at the work they do behind they might be adding aspects for internal use… In which case you could use these. Otherwise I don't know and don't have the time to dig in it for now sry.