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Trying to call a ProcessValidator from Command

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm trying to call a custom ProccesValidator of Activiti designer from a toolbar command, so I started with the example of ProcessValidator in GitHub "BPMN20ProcessValidator".
I took this code and added to it a Command to call the "validateDiagram(Diagram diagram, IProgressMonitor monitor)" Method, that I'm not sure if is it OK. After trying with a lot of things, to call this method with no success, I given up with this:

public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
    final IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event);
    final IEditorPart activeEditor = window.getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
    ActivitiDiagramEditor editor = (ActivitiDiagramEditor) activeEditor;
    final IDiagramTypeProvider pro = editor.getDiagramTypeProvider();
    final Diagram diagram = pro.getDiagram();

    final ProcessValidator processValidator = (ProcessValidator) ExtensionPointUtil.getProcessValidator(PluginConstants.VALIDATOR_ID);   

    processValidator.validateDiagram(diagram, new NullProgressMonitor());

The problem with the code above is that when I obtain the processValidator I defined, it comes with the diagramWorkerContext in null, and it throws a NullReferenceException.

I searched in all the GitHub Activiti Designer code and I didn't find how could I set the diagramWorkerContext, so I'm starting to believe that I'm using it in a way that is not expected to use it.

My doubt is: how is expected way to use the processValidator??, exist any example of it??

Please I appreciate any help!!, I been trying to made this for weeks without luck and It's for a very important project.

Thanks in advance,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The process validator you are referring to cannot be used outside of the Designer. However, it's your lucky day. We recently added a new module that can be used separately:

Add it as a dependency to your project, get hold of an instance of and run your model through that, instead.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
First of all, thanks for the quick response, it was very helpful.

Now there is something that I don't finish to understand, my code is the following:

public void Validate(String path)
  ProcessEngine processengine = ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine();
  RepositoryService repositoryService = processengine.getRepositoryService();
  DeploymentBuilder db = repositoryService.createDeployment().disableBpmnValidation().disableSchemaValidation();
   db.addInputStream("ProcessToValidate.bpmn20.xml", new FileInputStream(path)).disableBpmnValidation();
  catch (Exception e)
  List<ProcessDefinition> processDefinitionList = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery().list();
  if (processDefinitionList.size() > 0)
   BpmnModel model = repositoryService.getBpmnModel(processDefinitionList.get(0).getId());
   final ProcessValidatorFactory pvf = new ProcessValidatorFactory();
                 final ProcessValidator pV = pvf.createDefaultProcessValidator();
                 List<ValidationError> errors = pV.validate(model);
   // Deploy failed


So, the problem is that when the DeploymentBuilder does the deploy() it calls the validator and if the model has any error, it doesn't generate the  ProcessDefinition. So I can't call the validator outside the deploy method and get the list of errors when it has errors, that is what I want.

Does exist another way to get de BpmnModel and use it to validate?, Or way to get the list errors?

Thanks in advance