Our default install did not allow for us to change the font color and size. The options are in the editor, but once applied and submitted, the HTML code is stripped out. Is there a way to empower the Tiny MCE editor to display chosen font color and sizes? Anyone else have this issue?
Could you please confirm the version you're referring to? Could you also confirm where in Share you're seeing this problem (e.g. in all instances of the TinyMCE editor or just in specific areas, e.g. comments, blog, etc?)
There are several Jira issues that have been raised regarding formatting in the TinyMCE editor… and I think you'll find that this one clarifies the situation best https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-8486 (although this is not directly related to font colour and size). This issue relates to colour and size: https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-10690 and if you have installed a build containing this fix then you should be able to make those changes.
Essentially there is a known security hole in IE7 relating to allowing users to set styles and whilst we continue to support IE7 we are only allowing the TinyMCE editor to work with legacy (and indeed deprecated) HTML elements.