Hi Ronald,
Great! Thanks for taking your valuable time to read my blog post and write a very detail response.
First of all, I have no doubt that Activiti is great process engine, I write the blog post is to discuss aspects of Activiti are short of and can be further improved as "Business Process Management (BPM) Platform targeted at business people, developers and system admins" as it claimed in the home page.
I discuss it in Grails Framework context is mainly it is the platform which the Grails Activiti plugin integrated, with objective to further simplifying workflow application development based on Activiti, like Grails simplified web app development in Java platform.
Please see my response to your point-by-point below:
1a) I thought the task list and form UI of Activiti Explorer is for process simulation, unless we agreed on this point we are discuss about different thing.
1b) I agreed that UI of Activiti Explorer served it purpose for process development team internally, but the admin-like interface is not impressive and convincing to business users and end users based on my consulting experience.
2) Thanks for pointing out smooks, it is not in the list simply because I am not aware it's existence. I will keep an eye on it. I picked drools/openl tablets is due to it support for decision table as most business users are expert of spreadsheet, it is great for rules editing. Yeah, rules integration might be not so difficult, but it can get easier.
3) Integration to ESB just a start, integration could be expand to other technologies such as Esper, Web Services, etc. Same here, it can get easier.
4) No doubt that you need to know JSR-168 and JSR-286 for Java portlet development, as I don't have experience in Grails portlets plugin, no comment how much simple to develop a Grails portlet. The Grails portlet may make use of existing Liferay Activiti Integration or using Grails Activiti plugin or both, can't comment now as I haven't explore there.
5) You are right! The idea is default reports. I will picked JasperReports as reporting engine due to familiarity. No doubt that customer still need customized reports, it is just matter of how simple for them or developer to create one.
Again, all items stated in the blog post and above are just idea and potential direction on how the Grails Activiti plugin can evolve and expand, how it goes is open for discussion and based on community and customer requirements.
Many thanks to your fruitful comments.
Best regards,
Chee Kin