We are capturing statistics number of tasks assigned vs number of tasks unassigned. I also need some of the variables to show task details. So I am utilizing <code lang="java">includeTaskLocalVariables()</code> and <code lang="java">includeProcessVariables()</code>.
This is the reason why I could not use TaskNativeQuery which does not support fetching of task and process variables.
I am trying not to write queries by hand so that I get the benefit of the complex result mapping done by mybatis in activiti. So far this was the only feature which was blocking.
For the time being I created copies of <code lang="java">Task.xml, TaskQueryImpl.java, TaskQuery.java</code> in my local and added support for <code> and RES.ASSIGNEE_ IS NOT NULL</code>. If I encounter too many changes I will consider writing my own SQL.