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Task instructions in form

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
When a user receives an assigned task, it may not be for that user apparent what they are expected to do. So they need instructions as part of the task.
So what would be the best way to add an instruction text box?
I know about the help icon that can be assigned to individual fields, but I want it to display at the top of the task, and visible by default.

Maybe using a set with a custom freemarker template is an option, but then it is dependent on that at least one control is assigned to the set.
Or in a workflow model I can assign a property more as a dummy, then create a freemarker control that renders text based on form config?

And it may be that there already is an easy way to do this when configuring a workflow task, then let me know.

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

I'd opt for a custom form template which provides a form-scoped documentation link for the task independent of form configuration (well, independent from set / control configuration - you obviously need to reference the form template). This could be combined with a form field processor on the Repository side which generates a transient field for the form, e.g. a nodeRef for an Alfresco maintained documentation content item that the form template only needs to link to (or provide the documentation text from a properties file based on task type).
We have done something similar with another request for universally available information: a dynamically generated PDF view of the task context (content, workflow history etc.).
