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Tag manager and Search engine problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello guys,

I have the following error message in Admin panel of the Alfresco Community version 5.0.c:
05080003 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 050821377 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/tagging/tags.get.js': 050821376

I'm unable to use this feature, no adding/removing tags, no search options.
Adding a screneshot of the problem.

I tried those two topic and the resolutions from there, cause I think they are similiar to mine, but I still have the problem:

Let me know if you have any comments/question about this or resolutions.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hey Boris,

Is this a new install or upgrade version? I usually get this error when doing either one on existing data. There are certain steps that have to be done with upgrading.

More details please. Also, you might check to see if solr is actually starting. That was another reason why I got the error message. Re-indexing didn't solve the problem. You might check to make sure you have the solr directory in the "installed" portion under tomcat there and all the files.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi dude,

I noticed this behavior after  I did you steps, actually, with the HTTPS enabled with the apache + tomcat.
(This is the topic: )
It's a new installation with some customizsations made on the themes and on the other hand ldaps enabled (which is working fine).

I have those dirs installed:

How I can check the solr is actually stating? Smiley Sad


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
You are using a version of alfresco that I haven't tested yet with the instructions on the topic link that you posted.

I wouldn't know what the cause is. 😕

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Sorry for the delay in my reply. But I wanted to make some tests by myself.
Here what I did.
1. Since this is not tested and you are not sure when/if you are going to test it in order to check if it will work in this version, I decided to leave the installation and start clean.
2. I downloaded and installed alfresco-community-5.0.c
3. Enabled LDAP AD authentication and synchronization as it is a requirement for our project.
4. I forgot everything that I checked in alfresco docs and in the internet the last time I did this. Which made me to start researching for words like "ssl" or "https" only in alfresco docs.
5. I was able to found this topic: and I read it closly.
6. I followed the steps from the subtopic, which are recommneded for a test env: The steps applied successfully, with the "c" option of the connector. With the other two I have errors mostly for the vti server and it could not start, therefor the whole alfresco server did not start. Here and now with those configs, I do not have the problem with the tab manager or the search feature.

So here is my question, because I did not found the answer in the topics above. Also I think this is simple enough and user freandly to do it:
Why it is recommended to use this steps only on a dev or test env and not on a production one? Why it's recommended to use the proxy for the prod system?

Cheers and All the best!

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hey Boris,

I read the links you provided and on the second link near the top, there is a note about not using it in production. I take it that the guys/girls at alfresco have the stance that you should really be using a proxy server of some kind. To me it could add many benefits of security and load balancing.

These instructions though are for using the SSL on tomcat and I've tried to do that in the past and it has never worked correctly for me. That's why most alfresco users opt to just use another source for SSL.