Yes, I followed the instructions in the readme - but they were a little confusing.
I believe you copied to the wrong directories.
You have to:
- extract the file (I did it on my workstation, not on the server)
- copy the folder site-webscripts to …/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/, so that you get this structure:
- copy the folder webscripts to …/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension, so that you get this structure:
- copy the folder messages to …/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/, so that you get this structure:
- restart tomcat
After that, everything should be fine.
Maybe, you'll modify the files before, as there are some spelling mistakes (use a good texteditor like Ultraedit to search and replace in all files), like "setzten" instead of "setzen".