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Email notifications for Discussion posts

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Since Share currently doesn't provide any out-of-the-box support for email notifications, I have been using Alfresco Explorer rules to generate email notifications (via javascript) when discussion posts are made, comments on documents are made, and documents are posted within Share.

This approach is not ideal, since a rule executing withing Alfresco Explorer doesn't have access to the state information of a Share site (nor can it use 3.0 Javascript API calls).
Ideally, I should really be building notifications along the lines of the invite member feature. But I don't have the time (and right now the requisite knowledge) to write all the necessary code.

That said, I'm wondering if there's a way to access the Share Discussion topic title from my Explorer rule.
The problem I'm having is that, when I look at a Share discussion space (i.e. a discussion started and updated within Share) in the Alfresco Explorer, the topic name is something along the lines of "post-2008-12-01_1442", whereas when viewed in Share, it has a real name (e.g. "My test topic").
Is the Share topic title stored in a property/variable that is not accessible from the 2.x Javascript API (fm:topic and related properties don't give me the result I'm looking for).

In short, I want to be able to access the "My test topic" topic title from a javascript executed in a rule that runs in the Alfresco Explorer.
Hope that wasn't too convoluted.



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The property you require is on the child node of Topic. You have the topic node in your hand, and the topic has at least one "fmSmiley Tongueost" type child nodes. So if you use the JS api to get the children of the Topic, and then get the "cm:title" property of each that will give you the post titles.

A great way to learn about the structure of our objects is to use the Node Browser in the Admin Console of the JSF client. (as admin user only!) Simply browse into the SpaceStore store and down into Company Home->Sites - all the new Share sites are in that folder - then you can browse into the sites themselves and look at the structure of discussions/doclibrary/wiki etc.



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Would you be prepared to share your javascript rules?

Email notifications for document changes in share is something i've been looking at implementing. Sounds like you've already got there…

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