I want a sub folder within Document library as rootNode.
For Example In Document Library the folder path is Documents > XYZ > User1. When user accesses Document Library by default the content in Documents > XYZ > User1 should be displayed instead of content in Document. If we customize rootNode property from below code which is part of toobar.get.js it should work..I replaced rootNode with XYZ and it works. But rootNode="XYZ/User1" does not work
Not sure how to speciy the sub folder ?
var docListToolbar = {
id: "DocListToolbar",
name: "Alfresco.DocListToolbar",
options: {
siteId: (page.url.templateArgs.site != null) ? page.url.templateArgs.site : "",
rootNode: toolbar.rootNode != null ? toolbar.rootNode : "",
hideNavBar: Boolean(toolbar.preferences.hideNavBar),
googleDocsEnabled: toolbar.googleDocsEnabled,
repositoryBrowsing: toolbar.rootNode != null,
useTitle: (useTitle == "true"),
syncMode: toolbar.syncMode != null ? toolbar.syncMode : "",
createContentByTemplateEnabled: model.createContentByTemplateEnabled,
createContentActions: model.createContent
model.widgets = [docListToolbar];