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Standalone tomcat

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi everyone,

We have WCMQS up and running and have created our own site called seed with sections and collections mapped for our website.  It all works fine if our surf (wcmqs webapp clone) webapp is installed on the alfresco tomcat instance.  I have installed a tomcat 6 version as a standalone version for serving the live site but it is not able to connect to the alfresco instance to get its data.  Is there any documentation on how to setup a standalone tomcat/webapp for a wcmqs webapp.  Do I need to include jars or is there config in the tomcat or webapp I am missing that allows it to connect to the alfresco repository to get its information.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
The configuration you need to override is described in the WQS Developer Guide here:

Please would you let me know if this provides the answer? If not then I'll try to clarify it.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Thanks for the fast reply.  I am running an additional tomcat instance (tomcatseed) on the same server as the repository.  So the alfresco tomcat instance is still referenceable via http://localhost:8080/alfresco.  The entries in the are below which is as is out of the box.  So I am assuming that the tomcatseed tomcat instance should be able to pick everything up as defined in the alfresco tomcat instance. :


# WCM QS configuration properties


#Type of asset factory to use. Either "cmis" or "webscript" (case-sensitive)

The seed webapp is still not resolving a connection back to the alfresco tomcat repository to get its data.  Is there anything else I need in the tomcatseed tomcat server.



Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
If your Alfresco tomcat instance is running on port 8080 then this config should work. What exactly are you seeing? Have you changed the host/port metadata on the website nodes in Alfresco ("Quick Start Editorial" and "Quick Start Live")?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Brian,

I changed the port in the live version to use point 9090 which now matches the editorial version (as you suggested).  Do both the live and editorial versions need to have the same port configured?    I restarted tomcat a couple of times after doing this and then it suddenly just started working.  Is there some caching going on in the surf or webscripts that needs to be cleared when you set the port or change the webapp context.  Seems funny it just started to work.



Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
No, there's no need for editorial and live to be on the same port (or host). There is a cache of websites in the web app, but the logic is that if a request misses the cache then the cache is reloaded. This is done because it is deemed unlikely that a request would end up hitting the WQS web app "by accident", so it's worth checking that the repo hasn't been updated.

I'm not sure what would have caused it to start working suddenly, but I'm glad that it has  Smiley Happy

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Thanks once again for your help and explanations.  As you said, at least it now working.
