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SSO share application changes

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
I'm using CAS to authenticate Share and that's working reasonably nicely - so far so good.

What I want to do now is disable (or redirect) the change password link

It looks like the best way to do that is to set user.capabilities.isMutable to false but I can't see how to do that - does anybody know?

I also need to redirect the logout link (otherwise you just get logged straight back in again) - obviously it's possible to override the logoutController but it feels like there should be a better way

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
It looks like user.capabilities.isMutable is set if you are syncing with e.g. LDAP - there is a bug in 4.2.d (JIRA'ed and fixed) which means the menu item is still there.

Recent (1.2?) -> 4.2 surf LogoutController supports the redirectURL parameter so you just need to add that to the HEADER_USER_MENU_LOGOUT targetUrl