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Forum Posts

Instalar Alfresco en WebSphere

Hola:me gustaria saber si alguienlo ha instalado y le ocurrio este problema como lo soluciono: ERROR [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] Context initialization failedorg.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating ...

txuky by Champ in-the-making
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Problema con el SDK

Hola a tod@s. Tengo el siguiente escenario:Alfresco Lab 3aSDK v2.9 ( ya que según pone en la pagina del SDK la 3 no funciona).El problema , o cuestión que tengo, es que Estoy probando si puedo acceder a un repositorio ya creado a través de una aplica...

alvarobt by Champ in-the-making
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Custom cmis properties defined through aspects gone in 3.2?

Hi,I've been working on a cmis project where I defined a custom datamodel in alfresco, where some of the properties are defined through aspects.The build I had been using until now was version 3.0.0 (e dev 1688) (nightly build). This worked fine: I c...

syberyan by Champ in-the-making
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Installation problem in Gentoo

I have install gentoo-tomcat-bundle inside linuxwhen I type ./ runand When I type netstat -anp | grep 8084 (My tomcat is using 8084 port)tcp6       0      0 :::8084                 :::*                    LISTEN     19529/javatcp6     375 ...

Cant acsess custom bean methods

I have custom made bean for my own purposes (simple POJO). I also modified document-details.jsp to display my own panel with data from bean.The problem is - I CANT access bean's methods (javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException), but CAN access class...

redomancer by Champ in-the-making
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modify the encoding of a new upload file

hi everyone, i have a problem.  i want to create a rule to auto-modify file encoding. when i upload a file which contains gb2312 coding character , it will be auto saved as utf-8. can anyone tell me how to rewrite  gb2312 coding  content with utf8 co...

zen by Champ in-the-making
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New Install; remove OO dependency?

Although I have no Open Office it seems the installer is convinced I have and this is leading to issues?How can I remove the OpenOffice dependency from the currently installed Afresco 3?TIADr D

Office 2003 sp3 alfresco plugin problems on windows xp sp3

I installed a vmware test machine with windows xp 2003 sp3 and office 2003 sp3. My labs 3 stable version alfresco server uses Alfresco authentication chained with kerberos + AD SSO and it works like a charm. From my xp machine I can access the CIFS s...

milesif by Champ in-the-making
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Connection Failure to remote Alfresco JMX Server

Hi,I built and deployed (from the HEAD) the latest alfresco labs code v3.0.0 (c1342) and made this small change to the Changing the avm.rmi.service.port from 50501 to 50509 to de-conflict with the Virtual# preview server RMI p...

tvaughan77 by Champ in-the-making
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Is Alfresco-Labs-3Stable-Full-Setup.exe is sufficient?

I am having windows server 2003 machine.Its a clean machine.I installed "Alfresco-Labs-3Stable-Full-Setup.exe" only.But start -> programs -> virtual server . I am getting a Tomcat window . it is giving some lines keeps on writing new lines .. Where i...