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Split duplicate person objects

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I just upgraded my environment from Alfresco 3.0 to Alfresco 3.2, but when I log in I get this error:
Split duplicate person objects

Can Anyone help me?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I can't understand why in the log I'm getting this message.

I'm started from an installation of Alfresco 3.0 with its users and documents and then I installed Alfresco 3.2. The upgrade process doesn't log any error, but when I log in I see this message in the log.

If I debug the method PersonServiceImpl.afterCommit() I can see that the set of duplicates is void and then the method does nothing but it logs that there is a duplicate person…  :?:

Am I missing something?
Can I see if I have some suplicate person looking at the database?
How is it possible that I have duplicate person?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I'm not sure why you are getting duplicate users after the upgrade.

The message you are seeing in the log is logged at "info" level and is informing you of the action the repository it taking to deal with the duplicate user name, it is not an error and from what I can see of the code you should still be able to log in.  If you take a look at the users in the UI you should see those that have been duplicated, because when the split occurs one of the users is renamed with GUID attached to the end.  Knowing which users have been duplicated may give you some clues as to what is going on.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Roy,
I looked at these users using the Webclient but I didn't find any duplicate. I know that is only an information, but it is not correct that I have duplicate person and I want to understand what it is happen.

When I log in I get this:
11:12:23,132 User:pippo INFO  [security.person.PersonServiceImpl] Split duplicate person objects

And I get if also if I log out and then log in again!

In the webclient I see "Logout (pippo)", so I assume that I logged correctly, not through a duplicate person.
Also if I search for pippo in "Manage System Users" I find only one occurrence of pippo, is there anny other place that I can search if really exist any duplicate users?

Additional information:
Alfresco 3.2 upgraded from 3.0
Authentication using CAS and CAS using OpenLDAP

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

You could try looking at the people/users in your repository using the Node Browser found on the administration page of the Explorer client.

This may give you some clues as to what has happened?
