02-08-2013 09:31 AM
02-09-2013 04:18 PM
02-10-2013 05:03 PM
The SLF4j dependency was not part of Activiti for the 5.11 release. Groovy is an optional dependency, but this could be added to the REST webapp (you can create a JIRA for this).
Do it's not a matter of removing dependencies, but just adding them explicitly.
Best regards,
02-11-2013 02:42 AM
02-11-2013 03:16 AM
That's pretty easy, see http://activiti.org/userguide/index.html#getting.started.including.libs
If you want to generate it yourself, clone the Activiti source and run 'mvn dependency:tree'.
That will give you all dependencies and mark the required and optional ones.
02-11-2013 03:18 AM
But the web apps (rest and explorer) is yet delivered with activiti core and part of his own dependencies, so it's difficoult to understand the correct way to deploy them.
02-11-2013 10:53 AM
But it is a valid point. I'll add a similar section to the userguide for the webapps.
02-11-2013 10:56 AM
From my point of view, if REST would be an interface for the engine, it's important that it is fully functional out of-the-box, without any manual customization after the deployment
and should be compatible with old versions
02-11-2013 11:30 AM
I don't yet see the argument of slf4j though. If it is a dependency of the rest war, what is the issue (besides classloading issues).
02-13-2013 09:19 AM
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