12-04-2008 02:39 PM
12-05-2008 05:37 AM
<bean id="MscAbstractEvaluator"
<property name="nodeService">
<ref bean="nodeService" />
<property name="authorityService">
<ref bean="AuthorityService" />
<property name="authenticationService">
<ref bean="AuthenticationService" />
<property name="transactionService">
<ref bean="transactionService"/>
<bean id="MscAbstractEvaluator"
<property name="nodeService">
<ref bean="NodeService" />
<property name="authorityService">
<ref bean="AuthorityService" />
<property name="authenticationService">
<ref bean="AuthenticationService" />
private boolean evaluateGeneric(final Node pNode) throws Exception {
RetryingTransactionHelper txnHelper = transactionService
RetryingTransactionCallback<String> callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback<String>() {
public String execute() throws Throwable {
// on récupère l'état en cours
return (String) nodeService.getProperty( pNode.getNodeRef(),
MscPropertyEnum.PROPERTY_ETAT.getPropertyName() );
String lEtat = txnHelper.doInTransaction( callback, false, true );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( "lEtat" + lEtat );
MscStateEnum lEtatEnum = MscStateEnum.valueOf( lEtat );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( "Current state: " + lEtatEnum );
// on récupère les actions autorisées associées
List<MscActionEnum> lActionList = lEtatEnum.getActionList();
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( "Available actions: " + lActionList );
return lActionList.contains( getAction() );
catch (Exception e)
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( e );
return false;
12-06-2008 01:19 PM
U have changed the bean but how do you integrate it with Alfresco working module.
Is that possible to customize the code and add it to the working module?
06-24-2013 04:53 AM
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