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Activiti Boundary Timer Event followed by service task

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi i have a boundary timer event followed by service task that use a java delegate class to fire execute method.
when the boudary timer must be fired i found an error that can instantiate that class.
i believe the problem is that the jobExector is running from another context than my project.
so how, to let my job executor run within the same context of my project (at which i build engine) if this is the problem.or is there other configruation i must do.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Amir,

There is no simple answer to your question as it depends on the configuration of your application - is it standalone or runs in an app.server; are you using Activiti as a library or as a separate application; …

In our project we run Activiti as a library placed in our .EAR (which runs in an app.server, of course). Additionally Activiti is configured to be managed by an external transaction manager (the app. server's one). This allows Activiti to have access to all classes deployed with the EAR and to participate in the business transactions.

I hope this helps at some extent.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The alternative is to plug the JobExecutor and add the correct context. That is how it is done in the Alfresco integration.