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Solution to deleted post :)

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
I'd just looked into the issue for a post and when I hit the reply button found it had been deleted…

Just in case it's still an issue, the question was regarding problems following this blog:

…and the reason the author was having problems was that they had placed the config and FreeMarker files at the wrong locations - they should have been at:
alfresco\site-data\pages\home.xml (Page config)
alfresco\site-data\template-instances\home.xml (Template config)
alfresco\templates\org\alfresco\home.ftl (associated Template FreeMarker)

The above won't mean much without the original post, but I just thought I'd post it since:
a) I'd already looked into it
b) It might actually still be a problem for the author that deleted the post


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm try it. But can not use the home named.
Use page name home,  redirect site-index.jsp.
Use page name home-page, no problem.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
I tried this on the latest version of the community code before posting the response and it worked fine for me, I'm not sure why you're getting the redirect … I'm assuming you've restarted your server and cleared your browser caches? What version of Alfresco are you trying this on?

The only thing I did differently was that I didn't import the "alfresco-template.ftl" file that was being done, but otherwise I used exactly the same file names and contents as in the original (now deleted) post and it all worked fine.
