Hi all!
Ran a fully working 3.4d-installation earlier and upgraded recently to 4.0a (community) coupled to a
standalone MySQL-installation on a RHEL-6.1 box (x86_64).
Backup/restore was performed according to the "Cold-backup" recommendations and running searches
based on index.subsystem.name=lucene works great! The customer, however, wants Solr and I've tried
to get that up and running, unsuccessfully.
Solr seems per default to be tracking the repo (enable.alfresco.tracking=true) for both Alfresco and
Archive and the only modification in solrcore.properties made is "alfresco.secureComms=none" as I
had (and still have) some SSL-related errors in catalina.out and I wanted to be able to debug the queries
submitted via HTTP easier.
What confuses me more is that the Solr-admin-web -> SCHEMA BROWSER reports that the indices
contain some kind of data and I'm not sure what that means.
numDocs: 1126
maxDoc: 78351
numTerms: 16355
version: 1318254566137
optimized: false
current: true
hasDeletions: true
Please let me know which additional information would be helpful in determining the cause of this.
Thanks in advance,
– Andy