We're using Alfresco 3.2 with a SQL Server 2008 database. We've noticed that the Alfresco server is very slow to return page requests, taking 15 seconds to return a view with 10 spaces. It takes longer with more spaces.
Now, I wiresharked the connection between Alfresco and SQL server to monitor the traffic between the two, and noticed thousands of duplicated SQL commands during the page query. The following command sequence is sent thousands of times:
.S.E.T. .I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T._.T.R.A.N.S.A.C.T.I.O.N.S. .O.F.F……<…………………..@….S.E.T. .I.M.P.L.I.C.I.T._.T.R.A.N.S.A.C.T.I.O.N.S. .O.N……<…………..D….I.F. .@.@.T.R.A.N.C.O.U.N.T. .>. .0. .C.O.M.M.I.T. .T.R.A.N……<…………..H….I.F. .@.@.T.R.A.N.C.O.U.N.T. .>. .0. .R.O.L.L.B.A.C.K. .T.R.A.N……<……………….I.F. .@.@.T.R.A.N.C.O.U.N.T. .>. .0. .C.O.M.M.I.T. .T.R.A.N.
Before the page is returned. Any idea what would cause this?
Here's the database section from the global properties file:
# SQLServer connection (note you must enable TCP protocol on fixed port 1433)
Any tips?