I am new to Alfresco.This is the following scenario for my case.
When user enters http://localhost:8080/alfresco on IE browser, application is redirected to another application for authentication.After successful authentication user is routed to alfresco my home page.How to cover this scenario.
What is this application and how does it do the authentication? Under the hood Alfresco uses Acegi Security (Spring Security now). So should be able to configure it to your specific authentication implementation.
Hi, I am using Alfresco 2.1 running on JBoss 4..2.2.
I am trying to integrate the alfresco web client with Sample Application (e.g VIS Application) to provide SSO in our environment. I used VisAuthrequestFilter as a starting point and developed a VISAuthenticationFilter that extracts the authenticated login name from the session.
1. User access the http://localhost:8080/alfresco. 2. User is redirected to Sample Application(e.g VIS Application) login page. 3. User authenticates with Sample Application(e.g VIS Application) and is redirected back to Alfresco. 4. My VISAuthenticationFilter executes and extracts the login information, authenticating with Alfresco.
So how will my VISAuthenticationFilter execute and extract the login information from session, authenticating with Alfresco.