Hello recently i've come across a problem with firing signal events. Correspondig to the following example ,i want a catch signal event and a timer be placed after a gateway event in which the catch signal event be fired through an execution of a system task . the class in which the firing logic was written is as below : public class Test implements JavaDelegate{ ProcessEngine processEngine; public Test() { processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration .createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration() .setDatabaseType("postgres").setJdbcUsername("XXXXX") .setJdbcPassword("XX") .setJdbcUrl("jdbcostgresql://XXXXX:5432/XXX") .buildProcessEngine(); } @Override public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception { RuntimeService runtimeService = this.processEngine.getRuntimeService(); runtimeService.signalEventReceived("alertSignal"); }
is there any advice on how i can work with signal events ? what is more my activiti version in 5.15 . thank you in advance